Invisalign: Why is it better than conventional braces?

Misaligned teeth can be a sore sight. But fortunately, there are many options available if you want to straighten your smile. But Invisalign in Superior CO is one choice that sticks out. You might have heard several things about them. They are an amazing solution for people struggling with crooked teeth. But what makes them better than traditional braces? Read on to find out! 1. Invisibility Nearly invisible treatment is a major benefit of Invisalign in Lafayette CO . Clearly visible metal brackets and wires characterize traditional braces. However, Invisalign aligners are transparent and difficult to see. For those who wish to straighten their teeth without having their braces noticed this makes them a fantastic alternative. 2. Removability Another advantage of Invisalign in Lafayette CO is that they are not fixed. You can take them out to eat and floss. This makes it easier to maintain good oral hygiene during treatment. Y...